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100 items matching filters


The Marketplace Conference Berlin 2018

November.28.2018 | Spreewerkstätten

Orrick is proud to sponsor the Berlin edition of The Marketplace Conference organized by Speedinvest, PointNine, Autotech Ventures and MarketOne.


Annual Private Equity Europe Forum

September.18.2018 - September.19.2018 | Grand Connaught Rooms

Partner Christoph Brenner will be a panelist in the at the Annual Private Equity Europe Forum on the panel "Middle Market & Growth Investing" on Tuesday, September 18 at 3:45 p.m.


REFF Wall Street

June.19.2018 - June.20.2018 | InterContinental Barclay, NYC

Orrick Energy & Infrastructure Partner Chris Gladbach will moderate an Equity Investment session on June 20 from 3:15 – 4:15 p.m.


Tech Entrepreneurs Breakfast Briefing: Selling your Business

May.09.2018 | Orrick London

More than ever before, US tech giants are looking across the Atlantic for acquisition opportunities, seeking innovation and global scale. Rightly so, entrepreneurs are seeing large, global, deep-pocketed US acquirers as an exciting future home for their businesses.


7th Annual Private Equity U.S. Forum

May.09.2018 - May.10.2018 | Harmonie Club

Partner Pete Lamb will be a panelist in the at the 7th Annual Private Equity U.S. Forum on the panel "Middle Market & Growth Investing" on Wednesday, May 9 at 3:45 p.m.


Global Innovation Conference: Practical Guidance in IP, Antitrust, and Business for Taiwanese Companies (全球創新論壇:台灣企業智慧財產權、反壟斷及商業實務指南)

April.25.2018 - April.26.2018 | Hsinchu (25 April), Taipei (26 April)

(中文版請見下方) Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe invites in-house counsel and executives to attend this complimentary one-day seminar, which will discuss the latest global trends and developments in intellectual property, antitrust, and investments in start-ups and joint ventures, with practical advice for ...