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37 items matching filters

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International Bar Association’s Anti Corruption Conference

James Parkinson joined a panel, “Do the new data laws make corporate internal investigations impossible?,” at the annual conference of the International Bar Association’s Anti-Corruption Committee, held at the headquarters of the Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD). 


Stetson Law Review Symposium

Hank Asbill discussed white collar ethics issues, particularly those arising in internal investigations, such as who is the client, what is the role of counsel, and issues of confidentiality.


The Vance Center and Orrick P3 Professional Workshops

The Cyrus R. Vance Center and Orrick, together with GVA, Belex, and Olaniwun Ajayi, are hosting a series of professional training workshops on Public-Private Partnerships (P3) from April 27-30, 2021.