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Total Access Japan Webinar: New Year's Event

We are offering you the unique opportunity to meet others online, as well as to listen to a brief presentation on the State of Venture Capital in Silicon Valley.


2021 NAPABA Convention

Orrick Partner Alice Hsu is speaking at the upcoming 2021 NAPABA Convention, serving as a panelist on the “What is the deal with SPACs?” session on Saturday, December 11, 2021.


Founder Legal Boot Camp #2

Following last year’s event, this is the second Founder Legal Boot Camp by Orrick Germany with support from RWTH Innovation Entrepreneurship Center and WHU Entrepreneurship Center.


Total Access Japan Webinar
AR/VR Market: Overview and Latest Trends

This session will discuss: AR/VR overview and trends in the rapidly changing market, which verticals AR/VR might expand into, advances in hardware and software, in each case taking advantage of our panelists’ deep experiences in this space.


US SPACs: Opportunities for German Companies

The past year has seen a boom in European companies listing in the United States through combinations with US-listed SPACs. These SPAC acquisitions can be an attractive alternative to conventional IPOs and can unlock value and liquidity for European growth companies, entrepreneurs and investors.