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Orrick Library Seminar: JCAAによる仲裁規則の改正・3つの規則のポイント解説

May.29.2019 | オリック東京オフィス

オリックのグローバル・ジャパン・プラクティスでは、「Orrick Library」と題し、日本のみならず米国、アジアおよびヨーロッパの各地域における様々な分野の法律問題についてセミナーを開催しております。次回のセミナーは、2019年5月29日(水)、午前9時~午前10時半にて開催いたします。


ACI's 9th Brazil Summit on Anti-Corruption

May.22.2019 - May.23.2019 | InterContinental Hotel, São Paulo, Brazil

Please join Orrick at ACI’s 9th Brazil Summit on Anti-Corruption taking place May 22-23 at the InterContinental Hotel in São Paulo, where Orrick partners Billy Jacobson and Guy Singer will be presenting.


IP Counsel Café

May.06.2019 | Sheraton Palo Alto

Silicon Valley partner Jason Lang will be a featured speaker at the IP Counsel Café on May 6. Jason will join the panel on "Building a Global Portfolio in Today's Landscape: Balancing Innovation & Speculation."


Fashion Revolution Night Düsseldorf: Fair Trader

April.25.2019 | WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management – Campus Düsseldorf

Orrick sponsors the Düsseldorf event series, which is part of the worldwide Fashion Revolution initiative, the largest movement for a safe, clean and fair fashion industry. The event is initiated by WHU Entrepreneurship Center with further support by HSBC Deutschland. Program: Screening of the ...


2019 Financing Wind North America Conference

April.24.2019 - April.25.2019 | The Curtis

Orrick is pleased to sponsor the 2019 Financing Wind North America Conference in Denver, Colorado. This conference brings together clean energy financiers and investors to discuss a variety of updates to wind energy, onshore and offshore projects and transmission processes.


Total Access Japan: 暗号資産とマーケット・トレンド

April.23.2019 | Orrick Tokyo
