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IP Counsel Café

Silicon Valley partner Jason Lang will be a featured speaker at the IP Counsel Café on May 6. Jason will join the panel on "Building a Global Portfolio in Today's Landscape: Balancing Innovation & Speculation."


Fashion Revolution Night Düsseldorf: Fair Trader

Orrick sponsors the Düsseldorf event series, which is part of the worldwide Fashion Revolution initiative, the largest movement for a safe, clean and fair fashion industry. The event is initiated by WHU Entrepreneurship Center with further support by HSBC Deutschland. Program: Screening of the ...


2019 Financing Wind North America Conference

Orrick is pleased to sponsor the 2019 Financing Wind North America Conference in Denver, Colorado. This conference brings together clean energy financiers and investors to discuss a variety of updates to wind energy, onshore and offshore projects and transmission processes.


Total Access Japan: 暗号資産とマーケット・トレンド



Orrick Library Seminar Series: 近時のEU及び米国からの制裁に対するロシアの報復措置の法制化に関するアップデートとコンプライアンス上のリスクが高い地域における海外子会社のガバナンスとリスク・マネジメント

オリックのグローバル・ジャパン・プラクティスでは、「Orrick Library」と題し、日本のみならず米国、アジアおよびヨーロッパの各地域における様々な分野の法律問題についてセミナーを開催しております。次回のセミナーは、2019年4月17日(水)、午前9時~午前10時半にて開催いたします。


Patent Dispute Forum 2019

Silicon Valley partner Jared Bobrow will moderate a panel during the 2019 Patent Dispute Forum.


Consero Roundtable

Please join Orrick at Consero’s Corporate Compliance & Ethics Executive Roundtable on April 17, 2019 at the Marines’ Memorial Club in San Francisco, CA, where Orrick partners Lily Becker, Aravind Swaminathan, and John Wolfe will be presenting on the panels, “Building An Operationalized, Systematic ...