Emily Leproust discusses her inspiration and journey building a public company in the fast-growing synthetic DNA market—with commentary from Orrick partner John Bautista.
Innovation is occurring at lightning speed. As counsel to some of the most innovative companies in the world, Orrick is fortunate to have a front row seat. And we want to share with you some of the exciting thought leaders, disruptors, and visionaries who are changing the way we work and live. We hope you enjoy the Profiles in Innovation series and find their insights helpful.
Emily Leproust discusses her inspiration and journey building a public company in the fast-growing synthetic DNA market—with commentary from Orrick partner John Bautista.
Patrick Maloney discusses a less capital-intensive approach to bridging the worlds of smart home technology and clean energy—with commentary from Orrick partners Andrew Erskine and Paul Zarnowiecki.
Etienne Binant explains how he rescued Lyon, France-based Biom’up—and became its CEO—by focusing attention on a non-commoditized life-or-death product, with commentary from Orrick partner Olivier Edwards.
Debbie Sterling discusses how GoldieBlox is upending the toy market for girls, and the importance of building a founder-friendly board, with Orrick partner Anik Guha.
Ford’s executive technical director talks about autonomous vehicle trends, with commentary by Orrick's Rob McKenna and Ian Adams.
Wired’s editor-in-chief Nicholas Thompson is interviewed on tech trends with commentary by Annette Hurst, IP attorney on AI legal considerations.
All views expressed by individuals profiled are their own and do not reflect the policy or position of Orrick.
October.02.2017 - October.03.2017
October.24.2017 - October.25.2017