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182 items matching filters

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Understanding the Cyber Threat Journey, and Deciding How & What to Defend

In collaboration with HolistiCyber, a nation-state grade cyber defense and organization, Orrick will be co-hosting an in-person panel and networking session on cybersecurity threats. Speakers will include members of the Orrick and HolistiCyber teams, a former MI5 government official, and ...


Hey! That's Personal! Your Complete Guide to DSAR Requests Roundtable

Conference Matthew Coleman, a member of Orrick’s Cyber, Privacy & Data Innovation Group, will be co-leading a panel on Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) during Legalweek’s annual conference. Many of the larger data privacy laws include a provision that provides individuals with the right to ...


IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress 2021

Keily Blair and Dr. Christian Schröder, partners in Orrick’s Cyber, Privacy and Data Innovation group are hosting the “Be Prepared: Minimizing Litigation Risk When Responding to Access Requests” panel during IAPP’s Europe Data Protection Congress 2021.


Orrick Sponsors European CLO Summit 2021

Orrick will sponsor Opal Group’s European CLO Summit, which will take place at the London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square on November 8, 2021.