Orrick Library Seminar - M&A Representations and Warranties Insurance in Mergers and Acquisitions: An Overview

Seminar | June.11.2019 | 9:00am - 10:30am (Tokyo Standard Time)

Orrick Tokyo


Orrick's Global Japan Practice is hosting a series of "Orrick Library" seminars to explore legal issues in various fields in Japan as well as the United States, Asia and Europe. The next seminar will be held on Tuesday, June 11 from 9:00 am to 10:30 am.

With a significant emerging trend in the use of M&A representations and warranties insurance in mergers and acquisitions of privately held companies, both strategic acquirers and private equity buyers have gotten increasingly comfortable in using such insurance for their acquisitions, providing meaningful benefits to both the buyer and seller in an acquisition. This seminar, presented by Richard Smith, a leading US M&A expert for over three decades and partner in Orrick’s Silicon Valley Office, will provide an overview of representations and warranties insurance, its benefits, the scope of coverage and exclusions, and other key issues as well the impact of this insurance on deal terms.

The 90-minute seminar will cover the following:

  • What is Representations and Warranties Insurance (RWI)?
  • The Process for Obtaining RWI
  • The Benefits of RWI
  • Typical RWI Policy Terms
  • Typical Exclusions and Limitations
  • Key Issues to be Negotiated Between Buyers and Sellers
  • Influence of RWI on Deal Terms

This seminar will be presented by videoconference. There will be time set aside for questions and answers.

Date: Tuesday, June 11, 9:00 am – 10:30 am (Registration from 8:45 am)
Place: Orrick Tokyo Law Office (Map)
Speakers: Richard Smith, Partner, Silicon Valley Office
Language: English
Fee: No charge
Registration deadline: June 7 (Friday)

* Tokyo Litigation Partners Yoshihiro Takatori (Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association), Shinsuke Yakura (Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association) and Tokyo M&A and Private Equity partner Hiroki Sugita (Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association) will also join and offer additional comments and perspectives in Japanese.

* * Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP is an accredited MCLE provider in the States of New York and California.  This continuing legal education course has been approved in accordance with the requirements of the Continuing Legal Education Board for a maximum of 1.5 credit hours, of which 1.5 credit hours can be applied toward the areas of professional practice requirement.

For questions, please contact Aya Mori.

CLE Credits Available: Y



  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Capital Markets
  • Technology Companies Group
  • Japan
  • Taiwan

Richard Smith 合伙人



Smith律师曾代表客户处理涉及美国证监会注册登记、承销及私募股票和债券发行等交易,并协助公司处理有关发行人的股权和债务要约收购、资本调整、重组和供股等事务。他经常代表客户编制和储存定期向美国证监会提交的报告、股东委托书及威廉姆斯法案(Williams Act)报告。另外,他还协助客户处理有关合规事宜,包括在2010年通过的多德-弗兰克法案(Dodd-Frank Act)和在2002年通过的萨班斯法案(Sarbanes-Oxley)的合规事宜、1934年证券交易法案第16条、实时披露规定合规、出售限制性证券和内幕人士出售的证券、有关10b-5规定和FD法规的披露事宜以及纳斯达克和纽约证券交易所的合规和调查等方面的业务。





  • Technology & Innovation Sector
  • Life Sciences Sector
  • 复杂诉讼与争议解决
  • Patents
  • Trademark, Copyright & Media
  • 知识产权
  • Cyber, Privacy & Data Innovation
  • Antitrust and Competition
  • International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
  • Mass Torts & Product Liability
  • Employment Law & Litigation
  • Japan

Shinsuke Yakura 合伙人


His practice focuses on intellectual property, antitrust, product liability, medical and pharmaceutical, and other commercial disputes for both domestic and foreign companies. He actively engages in cross-border litigation and arbitration, and draws on his extensive knowledge and experience from various countries.

In regards to intellectual property, Shinsuke has represented numerous companies in patent infringement litigation involving a wide range of technologies related to electric devices and industrial machinery. He has also handled other IP-related issues such as trademark, copyright and right to publicity. He is a qualified patent attorney (Benrishi) in Japan.

Recently, he has been involved in business and legal issues related to artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and big data; he also acts as the Asia representative of Orrick’s Global AI Working Group.

Consistently providing strategic advice from a global perspective, he is also actively involved in bribery regulations including FCPA and UKBA, antitrust and competition law, cartel, fraud and compliance investigations.

He also advises in mergers and acquisitions, licensing and other transactional matters.



  • Life Sciences Sector
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Technology Companies Group
  • Fintech

Hiroki Sugita 合伙人


He also has extensive experience in fund formation, real estate and various types of finance transactions.

Hiroki has a deep understanding of clients’ needs from his secondment experience with a U.S. investment bank in 2005 and a Japanese major trading house from 2012 to 2014.

Prior to joining Orrick, Hiroki worked at O’Melveny’s Tokyo office as a counsel where he mainly worked on cross border M&A.