Frequently Asked Questions

What information must be included in a FinCEN beneficial ownership report about each beneficial owner of the reporting company?

  1. Full legal name
  2. Date of birth
  3. Complete current address (as of the date of the report): Report the individual’s residential street address. The address is not required to be in the United States.
  4. A unique identifying number from an acceptable identification document defined as:

    • A non-expired U.S. passport;
    • A non-expired identification document issued by a state, local government or Indian tribe;
    • A non-expired driver’s license issued by a state; or
    • If the individual lacks all the foregoing documents, a non-expired foreign passport
  5. Image of the document the unique identifying number came from
  6. If a beneficial owner owns or controls their ownership interests in a reporting company exclusively through multiple exempt entities, then the names of all of those exempt entities may be reported to FinCEN instead of the individual beneficial owner’s information

Note: Instead of providing the information above for each beneficial owner, the company can include in its report with respect to a particular beneficial owner, a “FinCEN identifier” provided by such individual.  A FinCEN identifier is a unique identifying number that FinCEN issues to individuals upon request at this website. To obtain a FinCEN identifier, an individual must provide to FinCEN the information listed in items 1-5 above.

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