Frequently Asked Questions

What information must be included in a FinCEN beneficial ownership report for the reporting company?

  1. Full legal name

  2. Any trade name or “doing business as” (DBA) name

  3. Complete current U.S. address
    (Report the address of the principal place of business in United States, or, if the reporting company’s principal place of business is not in the United States, the primary location in the United States where the company conducts business.)

  4. State, tribal, or foreign jurisdiction of formation

  5. For a foreign reporting company only, state or tribal jurisdiction of first registration

  6. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) (including an Employer Identification Number (EIN))
    (If a foreign reporting company has not been issued a TIN, report a tax identification number issued by a foreign jurisdiction and the name of such jurisdiction)

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