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1080 items matching filters

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3rd Annual BLX Post-Issuance Compliance Workshop

Orrick partner Aravind Swaminathan, co-chair of the Cybersecurity & Data Privacy team, will speak on "Cybersecurity and Data Breaches: What You Need to Know" at BLX’s 3rd annual Post-Issuance Compliance Workshop.  Aravind’s session will discuss what state agencies, public and private universities ...


UBIC Breakfast Seminar: Issues of Data Privacy & Cross Border Litigation

Shea Leitch, associate and member of Orrick's Cybersecurity & Data Privacy group, will be speaking at the UBIC Breakfast Seminar on Issues of Data Privacy & Cross Border Litigation. Topics to be discussed include: Market confusion on handling these issues What ...


Privacy. Security. Risk. 2015

Orrick Privacy Attorney Emily Tabatabai will speak at the Privacy. Security. Risk. conference on the session "FTC Calling? How to Navigate an FTC Investigation Before, During and After." The panelists will discuss how to align processes and experts along the investigation timeline to drive a ...


How to Stay off of the Data Breach Chopping Block

Orrick partner Aravind Swaminathan, co-chair of the Cybersecurity & Data Privacy team, will speak on "How to Stay off of the Data Breach Chopping Block." This webinar will focus on key operational protocols privacy and security teams can implement to create an effective incident management system. ...


MCLE Seminar: BitLicense and the Virtual Currency Regulatory Landscape

On July 20, Orrick hosted a Breakfast Briefing in our New York office. The briefing covered an overview of New York State's final BitLicense regulations and other regulatory developments affecting businesses, investors, entrepreneurs, lawyers and others in the virtual currency space. Speakers ...


3D Printshow New York

Orrick IP partner Vann Pearce will be a featured speaker at this year's 3D Printshow in New York, bringing together key players from the entire 3D printing ecosystem. 3D Printshow gives an overview of the many facets of 3D printing/Additive Manufacturing, alongside a showfloor that features the ...


Managing Cyber Threats, Privacy & Risk

Companies are dealing with the new reality that their cybersecurity posture is important to business partners, customers, employees, board members, shareholders and regulators across the globe. With the dramatic rise in the prevalence and frequency of cyber-attacks that result in lost intellectual ...


Print It! 3D Printing and the Intersection of Intellectual Property

American University Washington College of Law is hosting a seminar on 3D printing and how it is changing the way we think about intellectual property. Please join Orrick IP lawyer Christopher Higgins and the panel of experts as they delve in-depth on changes revolving around 3D printing in the ...