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American Bar Association 2022 Business Law Section Annual Meeting

Max Bonici discussed challenges facing financial institutions and fintechs that offer crypto and other digital asset products, and Sasha Leonhardt discussed the legal structure surrounding appraisal bias, and recent enforcement actions.


Infocast Hydrogen Hubs: Building a Value Chain

Orrick is proud to sponsor Infocast's 2022 Hydrogen Hubs: Building a Value Chain Summit. Blake Winburne will be moderating a summit panel on Tuesday, September 13, titled, “Raising Capital for Hydrogen Projects: The Financial Community’s Perspectives.” Panelists will include Sriram (“Sri”) ...


AARMR's 2022 Annual Regulatory Conference Training

Kathryn Ryan led members in a conversation at this annual conference that provided state regulators and industry representatives the opportunity to meet with their peers from around the country, share information and best practices, and discuss current topics in the industry.


ESIGN Day | Electronic Signature and Records Association

Jerry Buckley, a key advocate in the passage of the federal ESIGN Act, commemorated the act’s 22nd anniversary with the Electronic Signature & Records Association by providing insight into the history and future of electronic records.


American University Washington College of Law Symposium

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau earlier this year claimed a new tool to prevent discrimination in financial services by examining institutions for conduct that, while potentially falling outside the ambit of traditional fair lending laws, was nonetheless “unfair.”


American Bankers Association Regulatory Compliance Conference

Former regulators discussed federal and state efforts to regulate the consumer financial services market in a period of both swift innovation and an increased focus on equity and fairness, and Jeff Naimon discusses the impact of ESG on lending and overall compliance governance.