Webinar: The #MeToo Movement Two Years Later: Cross-Border Impact in the Workplace

Webinar | October.16.2019 | 11:30am - 1:00pm (Eastern Daylight Time)

Webinar - Recording Available

Two years after the start of the #MeToo movement, multinational companies are still navigating the movement's impact on the workplace and corporate reputational risk. That impact on the workplace has been significant, but given legal standards, legislative reaction and cultural differences across borders, no one approach may be effective for companies operating in multiple jurisdictions. Our global Employment team from the UK, EU and Asia will address the trends we are seeing, unintended consequences and what best practices global companies have implemented to get ahead of the impact.

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  • Finance Sector
  • Technology & Innovation Sector
  • Employment Law & Litigation
  • Whistleblower & Corporate Investigations
  • Indagini interne
  • Trade Secrets Litigation
  • Retribuzione oraria
  • Cyber, Privacy & Data Innovation
  • Risoluzione contenziosi e vertenze complesse
  • Pay Equity

Mike Delikat Partner

New York

He is also the founder of the firm’s Whistleblower Task Force. He previously served as the Managing Director of Orrick’s Litigation Division. The practice group under Mike’s leadership was chosen as one of the top national employment law practices by Law 360.

Chambers USA and Chambers Global has ranked him in Band 1 since it began publishing its rankings, noting he is "a giant of the employment bar, widely regarded as an expert in whistleblowing matters and sex harassment claims,” “sought out by premier clients to handle high-stakes employment litigation and investigations,” and "one of the best lawyers on the East Coast for financial institutions."

Mike has an active trial, arbitration, and appellate practice and handles a number of high-visibility class action and impact cases. He is regularly retained by boards of directors and audit committees to conduct high exposure internal investigations of corporate wrongdoing.



  • Employment Law & Litigation
  • Compensazione esecutivo
  • Risoluzione contenziosi e vertenze complesse
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • International Trade and Investment
  • Japan
  • Pay Equity

Yumiko Ohta Partner


Yumiko also has knowledge related to international trade such as customs rules and export controls.

Before joining Orrick, Yumiko was an associate at Tanabe & Partners and advised clients in corporate transactions and employment law as well as represented clients in civil and family cases. She has experience serving as a statutory auditor for Japanese corporations. Prior to practicing law, she worked at Mitsubishi Corporation for seven years. While there, she was involved in LNG projects and other global business.


  • Employment Law & Litigation

Nadège Owen Partner


Nadège advises French and international companies on all employment law matters with a recognized experience on employment law aspects of corporate transactions. She regularly deals with employment law related issues arising in the context of restructurings (in particular social plans), mergers and acquisitions as well as more generally on all employment law aspects for domestic and international clients, regarding day to day issues, executive severance and relations with employee representatives and trade unions.  

Prior to joining Orrick, Nadège was an associate for eight years in the Employment, Pensions & Benefits team of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer.



  • Employment Law & Litigation
  • Compensation & Benefits

Chanani Sandler Of Counsel

New York

Chanani advises multinational companies across all industry lines on a variety of employment-related matters and implementation of global equity compensation programs. He globally manages large multi-country and large multi-function HR projects.

From an employment law perspective, Chanani advises his clients on a wide range of employment-related matters outside the United States, including global/local offer letters and employment contracts, rollout of HR policies and employee handbooks as well as termination and settlement agreements. His work also covers advising clients hiring, HR data privacy compliance, discrimination risks, as well as performance management and terminations. He also works with his clients to consider the employment-related impact of, and undertake due diligence for, cross-border corporate transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, spin-offs, and IPOs.

Chanani also counsels his clients on how to effectively design, implement, communicate and administer equity-based compensation programs and other long-term incentive awards to their employees and other service providers worldwide. His work covers securities law, foreign exchange, employment, tax and other compliance requirements related to these programs. He also provides services in the areas of corporate tax planning, cross-border tax planning, payroll support and employee education with respect to global equity programs, including in the context of corporate transactions.

He has presented at industry educational forums, such as the National Association of Stock Plan Professionals (NASPP) and Global Equity Organization (GEO), on topics related to tax compliance as well as effective design, implementation and administration of global equity-based awards and other long-term incentive plans.


  • Employment Law & Litigation
  • Risoluzione contenziosi e vertenze complesse

Mario Scofferi Partner


Mario si occupa di diritto del lavoro e delle relazioni industriali, assistendo clienti italiani e stranieri, sia in ambito giudiziale che stragiudiziale, in relazione a ogni aspetto della gestione del rapporto di lavoro subordinato, rapporto di agenzia e rapporto di lavoro autonomo in tutte le sue forme e in particolare:

  • redazione di contratti di lavoro (anche per dirigenti), redazione di accordi di lavoro parasubordinato (cd co.co.co.) e di lavoro autonomo e di contratti di agenzia;
  • redazione di clausole aggiuntive agli accordi di lavoro (ad esempio clausola di non concorrenza, clausole di riservatezza, etc.);
  • redazione di piani di incentivazione (ivi compresi piani di stock option);
  • controllo remoto dei dipendenti;
  • mutamento di mansioni e trasferimento dei dipendenti;
  • licenziamenti individuali e collettivi.

In particolare, Mario assiste la propria clientela nella negoziazione di contratti di lavoro autonomo e subordinato, nella fase di svolgimento dei rispettivi rapporti nonché nella loro cessazione, con l'obiettivo dichiarato di garantire servizi di alta qualità secondo rigorosi studi dettagliati e una costante interazione con i clienti.

La sua clientela opera nei settori del turismo, terziario, servizi, credito, chimico e nell'ambito della pubblica amministrazione (i.e. società da quest'ultima partecipate). 

Mario ha inoltre maturato una considerevole esperienza non solo nella gestione del rapporto delle società con i propri membri del Consiglio di Amministrazione ma anche nelle controversie tra enti previdenziali e società.

Mario è autore di numerosi articoli in materia di diritto del lavoro pubblicati su riviste di settore.

E' iscritto all'Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano, oltre a essere membro sia dell'Associazione AGI (Avvocati Giuslavoristi Italiani) che dell'Ordine dei giornalisti.


  • Technology & Innovation
  • Technology Transactions
  • Technology Companies Group
  • Employment Law & Litigation
  • Cross Border Employment Law Issues
  • Discriminazione, molestie e ritorsioni
  • Pay Equity

Dr. André Zimmermann, LL.M. Partner

Düsseldorf; Monaco

André advises companies of all stages, pre-IPO startups, scaleups, unicorns and international corporations on a wide range of matters, having handled everything from day-to-day practical advice tailored to his clients’ needs, to complex multi-jurisdictional transactions from strategic planning through post-merger integration. Having long-standing experience in negotiating with works councils and unions in restructuring measures of all kind, a special focus of André's practice is on restructurings and headcount reductions.

He has advised on the employment law aspects in over 300 M&A transactions and financing rounds across various industries. Transactional advice includes employment law advice in complex, international technology transactions, M&A projects as well as private equity and venture capital investments, from due diligence to post-closing integration.

André has thorough knowledge of and a genuine passion for the tech industry. Over the last years, André has become the go-to-advisor of several Bay Area tech-companies, leaders in their market and high-growth tech companies. Most recently, he has advised leading global technology companies such as GoPro, Pinterest, GitHub, Nvidia, Sabre, Snap and Splunk on various employment matters.

André has received several awards for his work, inter alia:

  • Germany's leading lawyer ranking JUVE recognizes André as "frequently recommended" employment law expert since 2017;
  • Best Lawyers and Handelsblatt have listed André as one of Germany's best lawyers in employment law since 2020;
  • Germany's leading business weekly WirtschaftsWoche ranked André as one of the top employment lawyers in Germany in 2019;
  • IEL Elite, an in-house guide to the world’s leading employment and labour teams, recognized André as a "Key Lawyer" in 2022.

Clients recommend André to JUVE as “straight shooter" and "always refreshingly honest". Our clients praise his "creative and efficient style of working" and "a very practical and efficient style of providing advice", referring to him as "extremely responsive and always accessible" and as "an excellent advocate in court hearings". Clients appreciate André's "clear, sound and pragmatic real-world advice" and his "in-depth knowledge of the tech employment world".