On the Docket: A Case for Diversity in the Courtroom

ABTL Publication

In this edition of the Association of Business Trial Lawyers Report, an Orrick team led by partners Warrington Parker and Khai LeQuang stressed the importance of diversity in California’s trial court system. 

“(When) it comes to the courtroom and trials, diversity is not merely the right and just thing to do,” the article observed. “If fairness and legal precedent prohibiting discrimination are not motive enough, there is a more practical reason for it: Our clients are better served by diversity in the courtroom.”

The article identifies a number of key areas where a diverse legal system serves justice, including ensuring diverse juries and trial teams. “In the end, diversity in all its forms makes a difference,” the article notes.

In addition to Warrington and Khai, associate Krystal Anderson and former summer associate Lynda Bui co-authored the article.