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224 items matching filters

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ABA’s 2017 National Conference on Equal Employment Opportunity Law: Legal Debate: Is the ADEA Antiquated? What’s Right, What’s Wrong, What Should Change, and Why?

Employment partner Gary Siniscalco will be moderating a panel titled “Legal Debate: Is the ADEA Antiquated? What’s Right, What’s Wrong, What Should Change, and Why?” at the ABA’s 2017 National Conference on Equal Employment Opportunity Law. Seasoned practitioners will engage in a spirited, ...


PLI’s Social Media 2017: Addressing Corporate Risks (San Francisco)

Employment partner Julie Totten will be participating in PLI’s Social Media 2017: Addressing Corporate Risks. It is quite evident that Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and many more social media platforms are transforming not only the daily lives of consumers but also how companies interact ...


PLI’s OFCCP & Government Contractors 2017

Employment partner Christopher Wilkinson and Employment Senior Counsel Gary Siniscalco will be participating in PLI’s OFCCP & Government Contractors 2017. This program provides an in-depth look at the OFCCP’s focus under a Trump administration.  Geared toward in-house employment counsel, HR leaders ...


Webinar: Checking In On The Defend The Trade Secrets Act (DTSA)

It has been almost six months since the Defend the Trade Secrets Act (DTSA) became law, creating the first federal civil misappropriation of trade secrets action. Since then, there have been a slew of trade secret plaintiffs taking advantage of DTSA, with many cases currently pending. Join Orrick ...


PLI’s Advanced Venture Capital 2016

Employment partner Jessica Perry will be participating in PLI’s Advanced Venture Capital 2016. This program provides a deep dive into current venture capital market conditions and the changing legal environment. Geared toward the experienced venture capital practitioner, our expert faculty of ...


Orrick's SWIP 2016 Winter Social

Orrick's Successful Women in IP group is hosting an evening social event that featuring a discussion with Public Radio Internationals' former East Asia correspondent for "The World" program, Mary Kay Magistad. The program will conclude with a cocktail reception and a donation drive for a local ...


Orrick Digest: SEC Fintech Forum

The SEC hosted a public forum in Washington, D.C. on November 14 to discuss Fintech innovation in the financial services industry, including panels to discuss online marketplace lending, blockchain technology, automated investment advice (robo-advisors), crowdfunding, and related investor ...


Dive/In 2016

On Tuesday, October 18, Orrick will host our eighth annual “Dive/In,” a worldwide celebration of different backgrounds and cultures.


Infocast Corporate Renewables 2016

Infocast Corporate Renewables 2016 is a valuable resource for meeting your peers and renewable energy suppliers and advancing your game plan for successful renewable energy strategy and procurement.