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Advanced Copyright Law 2017: Current Issues

Lisa Simpson will be a speaker at the Advanced Copyright Law 2017: Current Issues seminars. The speakers at this advanced seminar will address critical issues in copyright law, drawing on their extensive experience and judgment. Lisa's topic is titled "Music Copyright Developments," and will focus ...


PLI’s Social Media 2017: Addressing Corporate Risks (New York)

Employment partner Jill Rosenberg will be participating in PLI’s Social Media 2017: Addressing Corporate Risks. It is quite evident that Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and many more social media platforms are transforming not only the daily lives of consumers but also how companies interact ...


PLI’s Social Media 2017: Addressing Corporate Risks (San Francisco)

Employment partner Julie Totten will be participating in PLI’s Social Media 2017: Addressing Corporate Risks. It is quite evident that Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and many more social media platforms are transforming not only the daily lives of consumers but also how companies interact ...


The Anatomy of an Energy Storage Project

Join Orrick and our panel of experts for a seminar in which we consider the principal components of an energy storage project, from technology supply through to project development and discuss the various means of accessing the full value stack that storage can offer. Our panel of industry experts ...


Energies Nouvelles

Le Cabinet Orrick Rambaud Martel a le plaisir de vous inviter à une conference sur le thème : ENERGIES NOUVELLES Les défis d’un secteur en perpétuelle mutation Avec les interventions de : Jean-Pierre MARTEL, Associé fondateur d’Orrick Rambaud Martel, Paris Introduction des ...


Infrastructure & Energy Project Financing Dialog

E&I partner Tara Higgins will moderate a discussion organized by EACC NY and worldwide intergovernmental and international organizations on Infrastructure & Energy projects financing.


Financial Research Associates’ Government Contractor False Claims Forum

Employment partner Renée Phillips will be presenting at Financial Research Associates’ Government Contractor False Claims Forum. With the Justice Department having recovered over $3.5 billion from the False Claims Act cases in 2015, recent reports are indicating dramatic penalty increases and that ...


PLI’s Employment Law Institute 2016

Employment partner Jill Rosenberg is speaking on pay equity at PLI’s Employment Law Institute 2016. This annual event combines a comprehensive review of case law and regulatory developments, an in-depth analysis of emerging issues, and best practices to maximize employment law compliance, mitigate ...


EQS Roadshow - Hamburg

As part of the EQS roadshow in several major German cities, Orrick Partner Dr. Timo Holzborn will give an update on the latest developments in capital market law.

For more information, contact Dr. Holzborn.


EQS Roadshow - Berlin

As part of the EQS roadshow in several major German cities, Orrick Partner Dr. Timo Holzborn will give an update on the latest developments in capital market law.

For more information, contact Dr. Holzborn.


EQS Roadshow - Frankfurt

As part of the EQS roadshow in several major German cities, Orrick Partner Dr. Timo Holzborn will give an update on the latest developments in capital market law.

For more information, contact Dr. Holzborn.


EQS Roadshow - Düsseldorf

As part of the EQS roadshow in several major German cities, Orrick Partner Dr. Timo Holzborn will give an update on the latest developments in capital market law.

For more information, contact Dr. Holzborn.