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181 items matching filters

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MCCA Global TEC Forum

Orrick partners Darren Teshima and Aravind Swaminathan will join Monica Patel, Senior Regional Counsel at IBM, for a panel discussion on “Preparing for a Ransomware Attack” at the Minority Corporate Counsel Association's Global TEC (Technology, Education, and Careers) Forum.


The New European Regulation on Privacy

Orrick partners will provide a comprehensive picture of the new European Regulation on Privacy, entered into force on 24 May 2016.


The New European Regulation on Privacy

Orrick partners will provide a comprehensive picture of the new European Regulation on Privacy, entered into force on 24 May 2016.


Smile for the Sensor: Your Face IS Your Ticket

Does your team’s playbook include more sophisticated ways of identifying your users, or collecting information about them?  The use of biometric data today is expanding from retinal scanners and fingerprint readers for access to secured facilities to unlocking your phone and even attending sporting ...


17th Annual Legal Reform Summit

Rob McKenna, partner in Orrick's Public Policy Group, will be speaking at the upcoming 17th Annual Legal Reform Summit hosted by the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform. This two-part engagement will delve into the future of data security and privacy liability.


Simulated Cybersecurity Incident

The ISACA lunch is a simulated cybersecurity incident. Legal and PR/communications experts have created a hypothetical cybersecurity data breach, ripped right from the current data breach headlines. Designed to mimic the way that a typical data breach incident unfolds, our tabletop exercise will ...


Expert Briefing on Privacy and Cybersecurity in Transition

On September 28th, 2016 at 6:00 pm, Orrick hosts together with AmCham Germany and @-yet an interesting event on Data Privacy and Cybersecurity. Our speakers Dr. Christian Schröder (Orrick) and Wolfgang Straßer (@-yet) will give hand-on advice on the latest developments in Data Privacy and Cyber ...