Panel Speaker – Global GRC, Data Privacy & Cyber Security ConfEx

Speaking Engagement | November.08.2023 | 2:20pm - 3:20pm (Pacific Daylight Time)

San Francisco

Jeffrey McKenna spoke on a panel titled “Building a Strong Compliance Culture: A Foundation for Your Organization's Compliance Program” at the Global GRC, Data Privacy & Cyber Security ConfEx. The panel discussed topics around the challenges of and strategies for developing a privacy compliance culture, real-world examples of transforming compliance culture into action, and compliance analytics.

This event gathers a vast array of legal and technology professionals, including In-house Counsel, Data Privacy Heads, Heads of Risk & Compliance, Compliance Managers, Cyber Security Managers, Forensics & Investigation Managers, and related individuals.

Jeffrey McKenna spoke on a panel titled “Building a Strong Compliance Culture: A Foundation for Your Organization's Compliance Program” at the Global GRC, Data Privacy & Cyber Security ConfEx.