The Recorder Names Orrick California Litigation and Employment Departments of the Year


Orrick has been named California Litigation Department of the Year and California Labor & Employment Department of the Year by ALM’s The Recorder. The firm was also named a finalist for California Intellectual Property Department of the Year. The Recorder selected Orrick “on the strength of its wins” out of a field of 23 leading litigation firms.

“We are truly honored by this recognition,” said Steve Foresta, head of Orrick’s Litigation Business Unit. “These accolades could not have been attained without our clients entrusting us with their most important engagements.”

Orrick litigated dozens of cases of national and international significance over the past year securing a string of victories in its clients’ highest stakes cases. Among the firm’s most significant results was a landmark US Supreme Court copyright decision in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., wins for DISH Network in its epic bi-coastal copyright battle with all of the major networks over DISH’s DVR ad-skipping technology, as well as its successes in patent litigation for Brocade and EMC, a bet-the-company trade secrets matter for Tekmira and pioneering Internet security work for Microsoft.

Orrick’s Employment Law Practice Group  provided high level advice and obtained multiple trial victories for such leading companies as a Leading Tech Company (U.S.), Microsoft, Sears, CVS, PwC and Morgan Stanley.

“We have built our practice on high value and complex engagements ranging from class action defense to trade secret litigation and internal investigations of corporate wrongdoing,” noted Global Employment Practice Group Leader Mike Delikat.