Law360 Names Orrick “Employment Group of the Year” and Lynne Hermle Employment MVP


Law360 has named Orrick Employment Group of the Year -- and has named Lynne Hermle one of its Employment MVPs

In selecting Orrick, Law360 noted the firm’s “preference for the most complex labor disputes makes it stand out from the pack of employment practices.”  Law360 cites significant wins this year in class actions, trade secrets, defamation and discrimination suits, as well as the global reach of the firm’s practice.

Law360 commended Hermle for a series of wins, including defending a multinational computer security software company in a defamation suit brought by the former general counsel in connection with a criminal and civil stock options backdating probe, class action wins for a leading tech company (U.S.) and Sears, among others, and an innovative approach defending Morgan Stanley in a case that was closely watched by the brokerage industry.