Attorneys Discuss 'Mother Attorneys Mentoring Association of Sacramento'

Sacramento Business Journal

This article, about the Mother Attorneys Mentoring Association of Sacramento, quotes employment law senior associates Lauri Damrell and Sara Dionne, co-founders of the organization's Sacramento chapter.

"The goal is to be as diverse as we can," said Damrell. “Most members have kids of elementary-school age or younger, but there are no rules about who can participate. The idea is to fill the friendships lost when women lawyers go back to work and provide new forums for sharing what they used to share on the playground. It's reaching out to other people in the same boat as we focus on work at a pivotal time in our lives, trying to break the glass ceiling."

“Talk tends to revolve around kids,” added Dionne. "It's practical things, like what schools are best and what activities you do. Other attorney moms are a great resource, especially when you are just back from maternity leave, coping with being away for an extended period of time from your children."​