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Total Access Japan - 10 Traps for Start-Ups

日本語: 9月のイベント: スタートアップのハマリやすい10の罠 Orrick's Total Access Japan Event Series provides entrepreneurs business, tactical, and legal education through complimentary panels and seminars and networking events. Orrick represents over 1600 start-ups in the US, Japan, China and Europe, and has been ...


Orrick Library Seminar Series: “How to Proceed with Hong Kong and International Arbitration”

日本語: 香港を仲裁地とする国際仲裁 - 執行、知的財産、雇用、第三者訴訟融資などに関する実務 How to Proceed with Hong Kong and International Arbitration - Practical Aspects Including Enforcement, Intellectual Property, Employment and Third Party Funding Orrick’s Tokyo Office Litigation Group is hosting a series of monthly “Orrick Library” ...


Retaining Your Intellectual Property Rights

Collaboration by companies in the development of new platforms, products and technologies is more common than ever. In today’s interconnected, inter-related and inter-dependent technological ecosystems, it is not a realistic to lock your IP up in a safe and never license, share or disclose it. For ...