Amisha R. Patel


Washington, D.C.

Amisha R. Patel counsels and represents clients on high-stakes business litigation and class action defense, as well as on cyber, antitrust and intellectual property matters.

She has advised clients across industries such as technology, pharmaceutical, finance, and consumer products.

Amisha partners with in-house counsel to devise and execute strategies that align with advancing their overall business goals. She has experience at all stages of litigation – including drafting pleadings and motions, successfully arguing motions, taking and defending depositions, preparing for trial, mediation, arbitration and settlement. She has represented clients in state and federal courts, and before the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and foreign competition authorities.

She has significant investigations experience, having represented senior executives and high-profile individuals in internal and government agency investigations – including the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities & Exchange Commission.

Amisha previously taught at The George Washington University Law School as an adjunct professor in the Scholarly Writing Program. She maintains an active pro bono practice, representing clients in state and federal court and before the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. She has drafted cert-stage and amicus briefs in cases before the U.S. Supreme Court in the areas of immigration and affirmative action.