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2210 items matching filters


Employment Law Briefing

March.10.2019 - March.13.2019 | Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club

Partner Jill Rosenberg will speak at the Employment Law Briefing Conference held in Naples, Florida by the National Employment Law Institute.


Infocast Storage Week

February.25.2019 - February.27.2019 | Hotel Kabuki

Orrick is proud to once again sponsor Infocast’s 2019 Storage Week and will participate in two panel discussions. 


2019 New Employment Lawyers Conference

February.21.2019 | Orrick San Francisco

Orrick is proud to host the 2019 New Employment Lawyers Conference on behalf of the California Lawyers Association. Senior Employment Associate Alexandra Stathopoulos will speak as a management-side panelist on Wage and Hour Basics. Given the voluminous number of employment laws that are ...