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72 items matching filters


8th Annual GAR Live London

May.10.2018 | One Bishops Square, London

Orrick is sponsoring the 8th Annual GAR Live London, being held Thursday, May 10, 2018. Orrick partners Charles Adams and Charles Kaplan are among the speakers at this year’s event.


Orrick Library Seminar Series: Litigation and Arbitration in Europe after Brexit

April.11.2018 | Orrick Tokyo Office

Orrick’s Global Japan Practice hosts a series of “Orrick Library” seminars to explore legal issues in various fields in Japan as well as the U.S, Asia and Europe. The next seminar will focus on the current status of the negotiations regarding the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European ...


Orrick Library Seminar Series: International Arbitration in Singapore and Japan - New Rules and the Establishment of Mediation Centre in Japan

October.31.2017 | Orrick Tokyo Office オリック東京オフィス

日本語: 国際仲裁:SIACにおけるルール改正と、日本における国際仲裁・調停センター設立の展望 Orrick’s Tokyo Office is hosting a series of monthly “Orrick Library” seminars to explore legal issues in various fields in Japan as well as the United States, Asia and Europe. The next seminar will be held on Tuesday, October 31 from 9:00 am to 10:30 ...


Orrick Library Seminar Series: “How to Proceed with Hong Kong and International Arbitration”

January.25.2017 | Orrick Tokyo

日本語: 香港を仲裁地とする国際仲裁 - 執行、知的財産、雇用、第三者訴訟融資などに関する実務 How to Proceed with Hong Kong and International Arbitration - Practical Aspects Including Enforcement, Intellectual Property, Employment and Third Party Funding Orrick’s Tokyo Office Litigation Group is hosting a series of monthly “Orrick Library” ...