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IAPP Privacy. Security. Risk. 2021

Michelle Visser, a partner in Orrick’s Complex Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group, will be a speaker at the “Don’t Check Your Privilege: Keep Forensic Reports Privileged & Confidential” panel at IAPP’s Privacy Security Risk 2021 Conference.


TechGC IPO Forum

Orrick is honored to co-sponsor TechGC’s IPO Forum in San Francisco on September 30 and will be speaking on how to weave your company culture through the IPO process.


Privacy + Security Forum Fall Academy

Heather Sussman, Keily Blair, Emily Tabatabai and Hannah Levin led panels on cyber supply chain attacks and dark patterns during the Privacy + Security Forum Fall Academy hosted by the Privacy + Security Academy.


Privacy + Security Forum Spring Academy

Heather Sussman and Shannon Yavorsky led two individual panels during the Privacy + Security Forum Spring Academy hosted by the Privacy Security Academy.