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510 items matching filters


Consumer Bankers Association Live 2021

August.16.2021 | Orlando, FL

Warren Traiger — who has developed nationally recognized insights regarding the Community Reinvestment Act — discussed CRA modernization and what is on the horizon from the prudential regulatory agencies.


Pro Bono: Comparing Regulatory Frameworks

July.29.2021 | Online Webinar

Lorraine McGowen will be moderating a panel on Thursday, July 29th at 11 a.m. Eastern, co-hosted by Vance Center for International Justice and the New York City Bar Association entitled Pro Bono: Comparing Regulatory Frameworks, co-sponsored with, Pro Bono Clearing House, and PILG.NG.


2021 P3 Airport Summit

July.19.2021 - July.20.2021 | Manchester Grand Hyatt | San Diego

Two Orrick Energy and Infrastructure lawyers, partner Victoria Boyne and senior associate Matthew Neuringer, will speak at the upcoming 2021 P3 Airport Summit.