Life Sciences Snapshot – A Quarterly Report on Financing Trends – Q3 2021

14 minute read | July.21.2021

A Conversation on Spinouts – Unlocking Market Value and Creating Business Opportunities

Key Takeaways

This edition of Orrick’s life sciences publication series reviews the key drivers of venture investment in the life sciences industry, which is proceeding at a record pace thus far in 2021. Key findings include:

Orrick Life Sciences Snapshot Q3 2021
  • Investment continues at a record pace. By midyear 2021, $25.3 billion of venture capital has been invested into US-based life sciences companies—a sum already higher than eight other years’ annual tallies since 2010.
  • The rising influx of capital has boosted deal metrics across all financing series.
  • Liquidity trends provide a favorable backdrop for investors, with initial public offering (IPO) sizes in particular surging to new records—$36.4 billion in aggregate exit value by midyear.
  • In any heady environment, there will be rightful calls for caution and rigor in investment processes. However, the rate of technical innovation and size of market opportunities can also justify significant investment.