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Are there still opportunities in China and Asia for US biopharmas?

China is the second largest pharmaceutical market in the world, growing to $205bn by 2026. With an increasing focus on innovation and early access, many US biopharmas have found that an anchor in China supports accelerated clinical development and creates incremental value via either through equity ...


12th Annual Global Dive/In @Orrick

Orrick is hosting the 12th Annual Global Dive/In on October 26, 2020. This year, our keynote Dive/In speaker is Professor Ibram X. Kendi, Director of the Center for Anti-Racist Research at Boston University and the author of New York Times Bestseller How to Be An Anti-Racist.


Orrick Library Seminar - 中国における標準必須特許(SEP)を巡る訴訟の最新動向

本セミナーは、オリック上海オフィスのパートナーであるイーサン・マ (馬宇峰) 米国弁護士を東京に迎え、中国における標準必須特許(SEP)に係る特許侵害訴訟の最新動向について解説いたします。近時の主要な事例を用いながら、標準必須特許の法的背景、FRAND ドクトリン、差止命令による救済、SEPライセンス料の算出などについて取り上げます。


2018 Dual-track IPO/M&A Bootcamp Seminar

You are cordially invited to attend this complimentary half-day seminar hosted by Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, featuring speakers from Brunswick, Ernst & Young and SCapital.