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40 items matching filters

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Italian non-performing loans

Italian banks face tough structural challenges and in response many are looking to manage their portfolio by selling non-performing loans - NPLs. The Italian NPL sector is generating considerable investor interest, even for those whose investment activity normally focuses on single name corporate ...


Marine Money Week

The Banking & Finance, Restructuring and Corporate groups are sponsoring this year’s 27th Annual Marine Money Week event, the world's largest gathering of the international ship financing community attended by more than 1,000 leading ship owners, private and public equity investors, commercial and ...


Debt restructuring proceedings in Italy

Debt restructuring proceedings in Italy

  • Recent reform of the Italian bankruptcy law
  • Case studies


Stefano Nigro, Invest in Lombardy

Daniela Andreatta, Special Counsel Orrick

Federico Perego, Associate Orrick


26th Annual Marine Money Week

Orrick will be sponsoring the 26th Annual Marine Money Week, hosted in New York City.

Orrick partner William Haft will be speaking on a panel entitled "Alternative Sources of Secured & Unsecured Debt".