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Alisal Forum Luncheon

MCLE: Artificial Intelligence: What is it? What can it do for you? And, should we, as lawyers, embrace Data or fear the Borg?


National Association of Women Judges 2018 Midyear Meeting

Orrick IP partners, Annette Hurst and Karen Johnson-McKewan, are both speakers at the National Association of Women Judges 2018 Midyear Meeting held at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge on April 12-14, 2018.


69th Annual Oil & Gas Law Conference

Orrick Partner Aravind Swaminathan spoke about managing cyber threats during the litigation section, while Partner Katherine Treistman served as the litigation chair for the conference.


A Date With Data Privacy, Security & Sensibility in Edtech

K-12 cybersecurity mishaps and incidents dot the country. As we enter a new school year, with new digital tools and services, what have companies and districts learned about safeguarding sensitive information? How can buyers be savvier when reviewing privacy and security policies? (What questions ...


MCCA Global TEC Forum

Orrick partners Darren Teshima and Aravind Swaminathan will join Monica Patel, Senior Regional Counsel at IBM, for a panel discussion on “Preparing for a Ransomware Attack” at the Minority Corporate Counsel Association's Global TEC (Technology, Education, and Careers) Forum.


The New European Regulation on Privacy

Orrick partners will provide a comprehensive picture of the new European Regulation on Privacy, entered into force on 24 May 2016.


Orrick Library Seminar Series:雇用の分野におけるマイナンバーの取扱いと改正個人情報保護法への対応

オリック東京オフィス訴訟グループでは、「Orrick Library」と題し、日本のみならず米国、アジアおよびヨーロッパの各地域における様々な分野の法律問題についてセミナーを開催しております。2017年2月23日(木)、午前9時~午前10時30分にて開催いたします。 今回のセミナーは、オリック東京オフィス、労働法グループ所属のパートナーである太田 祐美子弁護士が講演いたします。 90分のセミナーでは以下のようなトピックを取り上げます: 雇用の分野におけるマイナンバーの取扱い 従業員やその扶養家族、内定者からのマイナンバーの取得 ...


The New European Regulation on Privacy

Orrick partners will provide a comprehensive picture of the new European Regulation on Privacy, entered into force on 24 May 2016.