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SAS Forum on NPE Litigation 2018

Supreme Court and Appellate partner Mark Davies will be speaking on the topic of PTAB and the Courts at the SAS Forum on NPE Litigation taking place on March 22, 2018.



English: US Supreme Court May Rule IPRs Unconstitutional: What Should Your Company Be Doing? オリック・グローバル・ジャパン・プラクティスでは、「Orrick Library」と題し、日本のみならず米国、アジアおよびヨーロッパの各地域における様々な分野の法律問題についてセミナーを開催しております。今回のセミナーは現在米国連邦最高裁判所にて審理中のOil States Energy Services v. Greene's Energy Group ...


Design Law 2016

Supreme Court & Appellate partner Mark Davies will be speaking on a panel on product configuration trade dress at the upcoming Design Law 2016 conference. His panel will specifically address recent case law, how to protect and defend product configuration under trademark laws, strategically ...