Orrick Advises Panther Metals plc on Fulcrum Metals plc's AIM IPO

1 minute read

We advised Panther Metals plc (LSE: PALM), as a major shareholder, on Fulcrum Metals plc's initial public offering, conditional placing and application for admission of 17,142,857 ordinary shares to AIM, the market of that name operated by London Stock Exchange plc.

Upon admission, Panther Metals plc will hold a total of 9,971,839 ordinary shares in Fulcrum Metals plc representing a 20% interest in the entire issued share capital of Fulcrum Metals plc.

Panther Metals plc focuses on mineral exploration in Canada, and Fulcrum Metals plc is the holding company of a mineral exploration group with base, precious and energy metal projects in Canada.

The Orrick team included Ed Lukins and Charlotte Osborne.