Cash Flow and Budget Relief for Local Governments and Borrowers in California

Public Finance Alert

As a result of the COVID-19 virus, local governments in California are facing sudden, unexpected, unprecedented, dramatic shortfalls or delays in a number of their core revenue streams, in some cases combined with significantly increased expenses.  To assist in addressing these issues, Orrick has published a brochure Cash Flow and Budget Relief for Local Governments and Borrowers in California, that identifies potentially relevant financing tools available in California.  Some address budget relief, some cash optimization, some structural deficit financing and some cash-flow financing.  Some are based on tools used when the State of California was running huge deficits affecting local governments.  Some are based on techniques used in the 2008 financial crisis, which also disrupted the municipal bond market.  Some are new.  Some are also relevant to private nonprofit and other borrowers from state and local government issuers.  Some touch on but do not focus on specific CARES Act or Municipal Liquidity Facility programs.

The brochure is available for download here.