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117 items matching filters

Search Results


Coping with U.S. Export Controls and Sanctions 2022

International Trade & Investment partner Jeanine McGuinness will be joined by Matthew T. West of Baker Botts to discuss “Ethics Considerations in Trade Control Practice” in a live event hosted by Practising Law Institute (PLI) taking place on December 16, 2022. The panel will cover an array of ...


International Bar Association Annual Conference 2022

James Parkinson drew upon his compliance and enforcement experience to discuss key anti-corruption developments from the past 12 months, and their impact on the legal and enforcement landscape.


International Bar Association’s Anti Corruption Conference

James Parkinson joined a panel, “Do the new data laws make corporate internal investigations impossible?,” at the annual conference of the International Bar Association’s Anti-Corruption Committee, held at the headquarters of the Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD). 


LSTA and LMA Joint New York Conference

Orrick's Jeanine McGuinness will be a panelist discussing the impact of Russia-related sanctions on cross-border transactions, trade, and investment.


ESG & Municipal Bonds: The State of the Market

This session will help participants identify eligible projects and gain an understanding of related requirements and best practices surrounding green, social, and sustainability bond issues.