Edwin Oswald


Washington, D.C.

Edwin Oswald, a partner in the Washington, D.C., office, is a member of the Tax Group. Ed's practice concentrates in the taxation of municipal finance including healthcare, charter schools, public power, higher education and non-profit issues, housing financing, airports and refinancings.

His practice also includes advising on post-issuance tax compliance matters including working with non-profit borrowers of tax-exempt bonds on new IRS Schedule K annual reporting matters.

He served in the Office of Tax Legislative Counsel at U.S .Treasury Department, where he developed policy, legislative initiatives and regulations affecting public finance and structured finance.

Ed Oswald is the author of "From Ronald to Donald: How the Myth of Reagan Became the Cult of Trump." In this book, he explores the tax policy behind “supply side economics” and the transformation of conservative politics from Ronald Reagan’s presidency to Donald Trump’s rise. Ed is frequently sought after for his expertise and is quoted by top publications, including Newsweek and The Bond Buyer.