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2184 items matching filters


IMN Residential Mortgage Service Rights Forum (East)

October.27.2021 - October.28.2021 | New York, NY

Jon David D. Langlois drew upon his years of regulatory experience to discuss the possibility of tighter regulations facing non-banks and servicers under the Biden administration.


2021 American Financial Services Association Annual Meeting

October.24.2021 - October.27.2021 | The Mandarin Oriental | Washington, DC

Marshall Bell, drawing upon years of regulatory experience, and John Coleman, former Deputy General Counsel at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, presented at the Operations and Regulatory Compliance Committee on a wide range of topics.


IAPP Privacy. Security. Risk. 2021

October.22.2021 | Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina

Michelle Visser, a partner in Orrick’s Complex Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group, will be a speaker at the “Don’t Check Your Privilege: Keep Forensic Reports Privileged & Confidential” panel at IAPP’s Privacy Security Risk 2021 Conference.