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2214 items matching filters

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Additive Manufacturing + 3D Printing Conference & Expo

Washington, D.C., partner Vann Pearce and senior associate Christopher Higgins will be featured speakers at the Additive Manufacturing + 3D Printing in Charlotte, North Carolina, on August 22. Vann and Chris will lead the panel titled "The Intersection of 3D Printing & Intellectual Property," which ...


Comparing Financing Structures for Student Housing

Hosted by The Bond Buyer Please join Orrick and The Bond Buyer for an informative webinar that focuses on comparing and contrasting four different tax-exempt bond financing structures for student housing. Comparison of these structures will cover the spectrum of allowable legal transaction types ...


Continuing Impacts of Ukraine-Related Sanctions on U.S. Industry in Russia

On Wednesday, July 20, Orrick's Washington, D.C. office will host an off-the record panel discussion, "Continuing Impacts of Ukraine-Related Sanctions on U.S. Industry in Russia," on behalf of the Women's Bar Association of the District of Columbia. Panelists will discuss the impacts of the Ukraine ...


Cloud Adoption and Data Analytics

Orrick partner Aravind Swaminathan will be speaking at Law Seminars International's conference on Cloud Adoption and Data Analytics on June 27, 2016. Aravind will be a panelist on the session "Maintaining Integrity and Customer Trust: Anticipating and Managing Government Requests for Access to ...