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DeputyGC Annual Summit

Orrick is excited to co-sponsor TechGC’s first DeputyGC Annual Summit on March 23, 2021 for ~150 Deputy GCs.


Energy Storage Market Opportunities, Contracting & Finance

In this two-day virtual Master Class, Orrick partners and other respected industry leaders will cover the complexities of storage contracting needed to secure financeability, avoid pitfalls and maximize revenues for storage projects.


TechGC Virtual SPAC & Direct Listing Forum

This three-day event will bring together General Counsels of high growth technology companies and venture funds to discuss how to approach these liquidity events strategically including evaluating which structure to use, understanding economics/dilution, and how to execute on these transactions.


International Data Transfers at Risk – What Can Companies Do?

Orrick partners Dr. Christian Schröder and Shannon Yavorsky will join representatives from the Bavarian data protection authority (Germany) who are engaged in the discussions on the EU level for a briefing on international data transfers to address recent developments and answer pressing questions.