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630 items matching filters

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Orrick Digest: SEC Fintech Forum

The SEC hosted a public forum in Washington, D.C. on November 14 to discuss Fintech innovation in the financial services industry, including panels to discuss online marketplace lending, blockchain technology, automated investment advice (robo-advisors), crowdfunding, and related investor ...


Financial Research Associates’ Government Contractor False Claims Forum

Employment partner Renée Phillips will be presenting at Financial Research Associates’ Government Contractor False Claims Forum. With the Justice Department having recovered over $3.5 billion from the False Claims Act cases in 2015, recent reports are indicating dramatic penalty increases and that ...


17th Annual Legal Reform Summit

Rob McKenna, partner in Orrick's Public Policy Group, will be speaking at the upcoming 17th Annual Legal Reform Summit hosted by the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform. This two-part engagement will delve into the future of data security and privacy liability.