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IMN Residential Mortgage Service Rights Forum (East)

Jon David D. Langlois drew upon his years of regulatory experience to discuss the possibility of tighter regulations facing non-banks and servicers under the Biden administration.


2021 American Financial Services Association Annual Meeting

Marshall Bell, drawing upon years of regulatory experience, and John Coleman, former Deputy General Counsel at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, presented at the Operations and Regulatory Compliance Committee on a wide range of topics.


Privacy + Security Forum Fall Academy

Heather Sussman, Keily Blair, Emily Tabatabai and Hannah Levin led panels on cyber supply chain attacks and dark patterns during the Privacy + Security Forum Fall Academy hosted by the Privacy + Security Academy.


HousingWire Annual 2021

Regulators are Gearing Up: Are You Ready? 
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 - 9:45 AM EDT

Jeff Naimon explained the new regulatory environment for the mortgage industry, and how to prepare for the anticipated changes to come.