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264 items matching filters


Fintech Conference: Online Trust and Fintechs

January.25.2017 | Orrick Rambaud Martel Auditorium

Organized in partnership with Nebula Sight, an interdisciplinary FA/M&A boutique that bridges European companies and Chinese capital. Trust in an era of online services, from online services to fintech. Since the advent of online consumerism and our everyday use of apps, service oriented start-ups ...


Conférence Intelligence Artificielle : de la technique au business

December.14.2016 | Orrick Rambaud Martel

Le cabinet Orrick Rambaud Martel s’associe à l’Ecole Polytechnique et pour une conférence-débat le mercredi 14 décembre sur le thème : « L’INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE, DE LA TECHNIQUE AU BUSINESS ».  Polytechnique et l'AI La place de l'avocat dans les start-ups / labos AI ...


Orrick Digest: SEC Fintech Forum

November.15.2016 | Webinar - Recording Available

The SEC hosted a public forum in Washington, D.C. on November 14 to discuss Fintech innovation in the financial services industry, including panels to discuss online marketplace lending, blockchain technology, automated investment advice (robo-advisors), crowdfunding, and related investor ...