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108 items matching filters


Orrick Library Webinar Series
AI & Data: Recent Developments and Practical Tips

January.28.2021 | Webinar - Connection details will be presented upon registration.

Presented by Richard Martinelli, partner in our New York Office and Kei Kato, Law Clerk in the New York Office, this session will discuss recent developments and legal issues in AI and data usage with an emphasis on IP, and will offer practical tips for Japanese companies.


Trade Secret Protection for AI: A Comprehensive Guide

December.14.2020 | Webinar - Recording Available

Intellectual Property partner Rich Martinelli will be a featured speaker during The Knowledge Group’s webinar, “Trade Secret Protection for AI: A Comprehensive Guide,” on December 14.  The webinar discussion will provide a comprehensive guide on utilizing trade secrets to protect AI-related IP, as ...


2020 Annual Berkeley-Stanford Advanced Patent Law Institute: Silicon Valley

December.11.2020 | Online webinar

Intellectual Property partner Clem Roberts will be speaking on the “Diversity and Inclusion” panel at the Annual Berkeley-Stanford Advanced Patent Law Institute (APLI) on Friday, December 11. APLI is co-organized by BCLT and Stanford Law School and presents a roster of judges, academics, ...


Perfecting Your Pitch 2020

October.01.2020 | Online Webinar

Orrick is participating in a virtual program: Perfecting Your Pitch (PYP) hosted by ALM on October 1, 2020.