The Bond Buyer
Webinar | August.26.2021 | 2pm - 3pm (Eastern Daylight Time)
Webinar - Recording AvailablePanelists on this Web Seminar will discuss and analyze the issuance of pension obligation bonds from the decision-making perspective of an issuer, sharing examples of principal considerations that an issuer's finance managers and governing board members are called to consider prior to moving forward with a pension obligation bond (POB) issuance:
Donald Field, a partner with Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, will lead an experienced panel through these and other critical questions. The focus of the panel will be to share recent market experience with issuers considering POBs, particularly governing board members and those who might be tasked with presenting for governing board consideration the how’s and why’s of POBs as an effective tool to address rising pension costs, and the development of pension funding policies for best financial practices.