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NAST 2022 Legislative Conference

On Monday, March 14, partner Matthew Neuringer will be a panelist during the National Association of State Treasurers (NAST) 2022 Legislative Conference.


Hey! That's Personal! Your Complete Guide to DSAR Requests Roundtable

Conference Matthew Coleman, a member of Orrick’s Cyber, Privacy & Data Innovation Group, will be co-leading a panel on Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) during Legalweek’s annual conference. Many of the larger data privacy laws include a provision that provides individuals with the right to ...


Infocast Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Summit 2022

Orrick is proud to once again sponsor Infocast's 2022 Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Summit. Rohit Sachdev will be moderating a summit panel on Monday, March 7, titled, “State of the Storage Market & the Road Ahead.”