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2184 items matching filters


ACI's 4th Navigating Russia Sanctions Complexities Virtual Conference

September.27.2021 | Virtual Conference

Partner Elizabeth Zane will speak on the “New Debt Rules and Secondary Sanctions: Tips to Stay Compliant” panel. This session will address implications on new US sanctions on debt, navigating securities issues, and potential sanctions against existing sovereign debt.


Incident Response Forum Europe

September.23.2021 | Virtual Conference

Join Orrick’s Cyber, Privacy & Data Innovation Group at Incident Response Forum Europe 2021. Hosted by Cybersecurity Docket, each session is geared specifically for the legal and compliance professionals who have emerged as critical players during the aftermath of a data security incident.


IMN Non-QM Forum

September.09.2021 - September.10.2021 | Manhattan Beach, CA

Steven R. vonBerg discussed the latest on the political football of the new administration, QM rule cancellation & their implications.