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American Bar Association Banking Law Committee Meeting

Max Bonici drew upon his years of regulatory experience discussing developments impacting financial institutions with an emphasis on the finalization of the Basel III capital and liquidity requirements, as well as the efforts to rescind, review and update the Community Reinvestment Act regulations.


USEA Hydrogen Economy Webinar

Orrick partner Peter Connors and United States Energy Association program director Michael Moore co-moderated a two-part webinar series, “Paving the Way to a Hydrogen Economy,” on hydrogen-related issues emerging from the recent Bipartisan Infrastructure Act and the pending Build Back Better Bill.


Financing affordable housing with 501(c)(3) bonds

In a market where volume cap is becoming less available, 501(c)(3) entities provide an alternative means of accessing capital to provide affordable housing. This webinar will be a discussion of the different ways 501(c)(3) entities can be used.