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162 items matching filters

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The Anatomy of an Energy Storage Project

Join Orrick and our panel of experts for a seminar in which we consider the principal components of an energy storage project, from technology supply through to project development and discuss the various means of accessing the full value stack that storage can offer. Our panel of industry experts ...


Energies Nouvelles

Le Cabinet Orrick Rambaud Martel a le plaisir de vous inviter à une conference sur le thème : ENERGIES NOUVELLES Les défis d’un secteur en perpétuelle mutation Avec les interventions de : Jean-Pierre MARTEL, Associé fondateur d’Orrick Rambaud Martel, Paris Introduction des ...


Smile for the Sensor: Your Face IS Your Ticket

Does your team’s playbook include more sophisticated ways of identifying your users, or collecting information about them?  The use of biometric data today is expanding from retinal scanners and fingerprint readers for access to secured facilities to unlocking your phone and even attending sporting ...


Comparing Financing Structures for Student Housing

Hosted by The Bond Buyer Please join Orrick and The Bond Buyer for an informative webinar that focuses on comparing and contrasting four different tax-exempt bond financing structures for student housing. Comparison of these structures will cover the spectrum of allowable legal transaction types ...


Cloud Adoption and Data Analytics

Orrick partner Aravind Swaminathan will be speaking at Law Seminars International's conference on Cloud Adoption and Data Analytics on June 27, 2016. Aravind will be a panelist on the session "Maintaining Integrity and Customer Trust: Anticipating and Managing Government Requests for Access to ...