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96 items matching filters



February.07.2020 | Dogpatch Studios

Orrick’s Blockchain and Cryptocurrency group is sponsoring 0xpo in San Francisco on Friday, February 7, 2020. The inaugural conference, hosted by Orrick client 0x, will bring together attendees active in the blockchain and decentralized finance spaces for a day of networking and panel presentations.


MOBI Colloquium Los Angeles

November.12.2019 - November.13.2019 | The Alexandria Ballrooms, Los Angeles

Orrick is sponsoring the MOBI Colloquium Los Angeles which takes place on November 12-13, 2019. MOBI events explore the convergence of AI, IoT, Blockchain, Mobility, and Smart Cities to build the minimum viable ecosystem for human mobility by fostering creative and professional growth alike.


Total Access Japan: Crypto-Assets and Market Trends

April.23.2019 | Orrick Tokyo

In this session, we would like to welcome our guest speakers Ben Spitz and Rei Tanaka, who head the legal and compliance teams of our client Liquid Group (Quoine), to get their insights about regulatory developments and market trends.