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74 items matching filters


Privacy + Security Forum Spring Academy

May.08.2024 - May.10.2024 | George Washington University Student Center, Washington, D.C.

Members of Orrick’s Cyber, Privacy & Data Innovation Group will lead panels during the upcoming Privacy + Security Forum Spring Academy.


Infocast RNG & SAF Capital Markets Summit 2023

July.24.2023 - July.26.2023 | Hilton Houston Post Oak by the Galleria

We are pleased to participate in Infocast’s RNG & SAF Capital Markets conference on July 24-26 in Houston, TX. The conference will bring together equity investors, debt providers, project development platforms, raw material resource owners, offtakers and other key industry participants to discuss ...


Post-Issuance Compliance Workshop

November.03.2022 - November.04.2022 | Virgin Hotels Nashville and Virtual

JOIN BLX AND ORRICK AT THE POST-ISSUANCE COMPLIANCE WORKSHOP A Comprehensive Overview of Post-Issuance Tax Law and SEC Secondary Market Disclosure for 501(c)(3) Organizations and State and Local Government Issuers Who Utilize Tax-Exempt Financing Virgin Hotels Nashville and Virtual - November 3-4, ...